Dr. Martin Grün
Dr. Martin Grün is an accomplished M&A professional with extensive experience in leading successful international transactions.
At Gruen Advisors we can help you structure and execute the sale of your business or your holding from the first day to the last. We emphasize a holistic approach to realize the maximum value shareholders in middle-market private companies and managers in divisions of larger corporations have built in their businesses. We believe there is no substitute for our expertise in valuing businesses, our understanding of both seller’s and buyer’s needs, our experience assisting with financing, and our adherence to a disciplined process.
The acquisition of a company offers opportunities for revenue and sustainable earnings growth. We actively support you to achieve these goals. At the same time, we keep an eye on the risks involved with acquiring a company. The careful orchestration of all process stages is crucial for success, especially in the case of a bidding contest. In accordance with your needs and your business strategy, we support you along the acquisition process.
Outsourcing M&A advisory services provides your business with access to specialized expertise, reduces the workload on internal teams, and improves the likelihood of a successful M&A transaction. Outsourced M&A advisory can include deal sourcing, due diligence, valuation, deal structuring, negotiation support and integration planning along with post-merger integration. We can help you manage the whole M&A process, monitor progress, resolve issues and ensure successful completion.